Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Bride-To-Be

So this cutie is getting married in August! Kathryn (22) is right above me in the line of Niewalds. I'm very lucky to have her here at BC with me, she has saved my life so many times I've lost track. Being a senior, an accounting major, and a wedding planner is the recipe for a busy person. But she still finds time for me in her packed life and never fails to be someone I can count on. 

Her bridal shower was last weekend. All of her BC girlfriends showed up to make her little day special and fun. She was showered with gifts and games, one including "How well do you know Kathryn?"....guess who won ;) 

Happy as a peach! (assuming peaches are happy). Her fiance, Austin, and her have a fascinating and complex love story. The short version: friends since babies, classmates for years, then finally thrown together during second year of college! There are a lot more dimensions to their happily ever after, and I find them to be quite the inspiring couple. 

Two peas in a pod :) 

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