Friday, August 22, 2014


they are finally wed.
my lovely sister Kat is a wife now and there could not have been a greater way to have celebrated. the day was perfect and she (obviously) was absolutely stunning. when they got engaged in November i remember thinking it would take foooorrreverr for August to hurry up and get here. so far, their wedding day was the the best day of my life--surrounded by the ones who mean the most to me while having as much fun as allowed.
hehe. the before everything. waking up too early than what's good for most people but too excited to know the difference. 
the finished product. aiiyyyyeeee. good looking family ehh?
the ceremony was fast but precious. it was my first time to be a bridesmaid so witnessing such beautiful moments up close was a real treat.
my favorite part of the day, besides the dance, was THE PARTY BUS. ommmgggg tooo much fun. keg in the back, music pumping, everyone jumping around singing and dancing. 
mini break at the park for some lovey photo shoots

ladies' man.
the dance. sigh. so ridiculously fun. my family is an extreme lover of dancing so we made sure to get the best of the best DJs. you like our sparkle shoes? compliments of Hilary, the goal was to dance all the sparkles off by the end of the night. mission accomplished.
wedding party shots. getting the party started.
everybody chipped in to pay the DJ $100 extra to keep the dance going another hour. best dance of my life. at one point my brother in laws linked arms and with me on top, tossed me into the air for a nice little cheerleader twirl.
seems like i really wanted the bouquet.
the speeches beforehand were beyond moving. hilary had each sibling come up one at a time saying what we each contributed to the family, and then finally what Kathryn contributed to all of us. tears.
i'll never forget that part. seeing my brother in law hopping around in my skirt is a hilarious image that never goes away.
then we said peace to Mr. and Mrs. Bechard through a parade of sparklers.

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